Place your Marion’s Gelato order by Wednesday March 31st to get ready for your Easter feast! Last day of delivery is Thursday April 1st before taking a recreational break. All orders placed after that will be delivered on Monday April 12th.
Marion’s Gelato can customize any order in three different sizes: 8/16 oz. and 2.5 l (85 oz.).
Featured is my new flavor Chocolate-Rosemary.
Marion’s Gelato proudly produces local all natural Gelato using organic, local and seasonal products and the finest European quality ingredients.
Find out more information on my website and tap events:
#organic #frozendessert #mountpleasantsc #natural #giftcard #chasnightmarket #allcreditcards #delivery #rosemary #vegan #vegetarian #smallbadge #bestingredients #delicious #foodies #flavors #glutenfree #lactosefree #seasonal #localbusiness #creamy #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #marionsgelato #catering #event #fresh #unique #healthylifestyle