Please visit Marion’s Gelato this Saturday, March 26th from 11-4 pm at the 3rd Annual Carolina Park Business Expo.
Have you tried Marion’s Gelato flavor Salted Caramel & Pecans yet? It is made with natural and organic ingredients, made from scratch caramel paste and swirled in slightly roasted pecans! Enjoy!
Please visit my website for further information: www.marionsgelato.com
#organic #frozendessert #mountpleasantsc #natural #giftcard #citynightmarket #fresh #allcreditcards #delivery #saltedcaramel #vegan #vegetarian #smallbadge #bestingredients #delicious #foodies #flavors #glutenfree #lactosefree #seasonal #localbusiness #creamy #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #marionsgelato #catering #event #pecan #healthylifestyle