Marion’s Gelato is locally producing all natural and vegan Gelato in three different sizes: 8/ 16 oz. and 2.5 l pan (equals 85 oz.) perfect for families or restaurants.
Featured is Marion’s Gelato new flavor Vanilla-Rose & Pistachio Crush! With the essence of Rose Water, a taste of Hibiscus and Vanilla and folded in toasted pistachios the Gelato has a light, fragrant and beautiful flavor.
You can visit Marion’s Gelato on Thursday, May 20th at the Rivertowne on the Wando community pool from 5-8 pm, on Saturday May, 22nd at the Summerville Farmers Market from 8-1 pm and the City Night Market from 6:30-10:30 pm.
Find out more information on my website and tap events:
#organic #frozendessert #mountpleasantsc #natural #giftcard #chasnightmarket #allcreditcards #delivery #vegetarian #vegan #summervillefarmersmarket🌴👯👯👯🌴 #smallbadge #bestingredients #delicious #foodies #flavors #glutenfree #lactosefree #seasonal #localbusiness #creamy #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #marionsgelato #catering #event #fresh #unique #vanillarose