I love to work with fresh produce and make Marion’s Gelato an outstanding fresh and natural product as a healthy choice of a frozen dessert!
All Marion’s Gelato fruit flavors are vegan and gluten-free as well as they don’t contain any preservatives, coloring or artificial aromas and still don’t miss out on the creamy texture due to the hot cold process of innovative Gelato making to ensure a high quality product!
Fore more information, please visit my website at www.marionsgelato.com
Marion’s Gelato will be this week:
6/11 at Del Webb Cane Bay’s farmers market from 11-1 pm and at night at the City Night Market downtown from 6:30-10:30 pm.
6/12 at the Summerville Farmers Market from 8-1 pm and at Back Bay Village from 5-8 pm.
#organic #frozendessert #mountpleasantsc #natural #giftcard #backbayvillage #summervillefarmersmarket #delivery #chasnightmarket #vegan #vegetarian #smallbadge #bestingredients #customorder #foodies #flavors #glutenfree #lactosefree #seasonal #localbusiness #creamy #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #marionsgelato #catering #event #fresh #unique #freshproduce