Lavender Earl Grey and Malaga Gelato

Featured on the left: Lavender Earl Grey Gelato which is the perfect liaison between the creamy, sweet and floral note of the culinary grade highland naturally grown organic Lavender and the brightness of the Earl Grey known as the “London Fog Latte” when Earl Grey is combined with milk and pure vanilla. Featured on the right: Malaga which is made with 100% organic Latte Gelato and folded in soaked raisins Sicilian style with the hint of Sicilian Marsala wine. For more information: #organic #frozendessert #desserts #mountpleasantsc #restaurantowner #menu #allcreditcards #delivery #natural #malagagelato #marsalawine #smallbadge #bestingredients #delicious #foodies #flavors #glutenfree #citynightmarket #seasonal #tryit #localbusiness #creamy #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #event #fresh #lavender #earlgrey #marionsgelato